Public Accommodation Request

* indicates a required field

Student Information

Please enter your information

Applications for accommodations are reviewed on a rolling basis, with daily reviews conducted by our team. Students will receive an email from an Office of Accessibility Resources (OAR) staff member within two to three business days after their application is received.

Please DO NOT submit multiple applications If you have entered an application previously, please email any additional accommodation requests or documentation to

Please use your university issued email address

Student Status

Please select one of each:

New Incoming Student or Returning Student and Undergraduate or Graduate.

Does your program require an in-person retreat or intensive?Required

Accessibility Specific Information

Note: There is variability within each diagnosis category, and therefore, the type of accommodations needed can vary significantly. Student needs differ according to each individual. Therefore, it is important for students to clearly specify the particular accommodations they request.

{"display_name":"My diagnosed disability falls into the following category:","hidden_field_name":"ms_field_1","init_id":"ms_field_1","init_link":"","has_autocomplete":false,"has_hierpicklist":null}
Temporary Condition?Required

Date, duration, etc. as applies.

Please specify in your own words what support you believe would be beneficial.

Disclosure & Documentation InformationRequired

By completing this intake application, I am voluntarily disclosing a disability and requesting accommodations. I understand that disclosing my disability at this time does not confirm my eligibility for services or accommodations. I acknowledge that the verification process may take several weeks or longer, depending on the relevance and recency of the documentation I provide.

Upload Supporting Document(s)

Please note, we strongly prefer documentation to be submitted in PDF file format.